Redirect New Registered Users to a Specific Page
If you require a new user to register on your WordPress site, they might need some help with getting started. You can provide them that by sending them to a specific page after registering successfully. Maybe you want to send the most important information or their download instructions for easy access.
Read MoreAdding Shortcodes to Widgets
You might have times where you just want to add shortcodes into one of your text widgets. Luckily, this is super easy using a quick and simple line of code. The steps are pretty straightforward:
Read MoreAdd or remove contact info fields in wordpress
The WordPress site allows you to edit and change fields in the user profile. This can be accomplished by deleting or adding content for a specific field (YIM, AIM or Jabber). The code below is an example of how one might alter their functions file: To display that publicly, you can add this function code:
Read MoreGet Content by ID in WordPress
Apparently there is no succinct WordPress function for just returning the content of a particular page by the ID of that page. This article will show you how to do it:
Read MoreRemove Specific Categories From The Loop WordPress
Sometimes you need to remove a category from your loop. Maybe it’s because that item has been removed, or there is some other reason for removing the data points associated with this particular topic; fortunately, R makes “del” easy to use and understand! The trick here will be opening up our code block so we…
Read MoreSolution for html click menu ahref have some dotted lines
We will use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to fix the problem.
Read MoreCustom post type permalink: only use %post_id% and remove %postname%
source: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/195458/custom-post-type-permalink-only-use-post-id-and-remove-postname
Read MoreRemove private label in wordpress post title
Looking for a way to remove the private or protected prefix from post title? This snippet removes the description prepended to the post title when posts are either Password Protected or Private. Put this code in the functions.php file of your theme:
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